Champagne Fridays, Misnowsas, and Birthdaze

Have I told you about Champagne Friday? Well, in case I haven’t, I’ll tell you about it now…

It was late summer in the year of our Lord 2013 when a 24-year-old Lee decided to move back home to her parents’ while she pursued her masters degree. Their condition, rent would be paid via the monthly filling of the sacred wine fridge. It only took until Week One for inspiration to strike. A magical, mystical light shown down on the sparkling wine aisle at BevMo, and Lee felt compelled to grab a bottle – make that two – Hello, 5 cent wine sale! It was a beautiful and hot Friday evening back at the house in the City of Orange. It was also the first Friday of what would become Lee’s two-year-stint as a member of the Boomerang Generation. Lee uncorked the bottle, distributed two flutes her parents, held up hers in toast, and thus, Champagne Friday was born.

The beauty of Champagne Friday is simple: no matter what kind of week you’ve had, ending it with a chilled flute full of bubbly is a good thing.

Life Tip #50 (EXCITING, AMIRIGHT?!? This is a big one, so pay attention.): While I strongly encourage everyone to try hosting a Champagne Friday, I will settle for this: Start a simple tradition, and use it as an excuse to spend time with the people you love. Find a hiking partner, a book club, a coffee buddy, enjoy White Wine Wednesdays (credit for this one to my new pal, Deanna), or, just fill in the blank with what works for you. The memories you make are going to be worth it. 

Over the years, Champagne Friday grew to be something beautiful that I have been able to share with countless friends. While it doesn’t happen with quite the frequency that it did during those two years with my parents, it is still a tradition that I hold near and dear.20170120_152025

My birthday was on the 20th of this month – a Friday. Naturally, I wanted to celebrate in my favorite fashion. I hosted Champagne Friday, celebrating with friends old and new. I entered into my 28th year in the best way possible, happy.



These are just a few of the things that have made me happy over the past 8 days:

  • The Amazing Dave took me to the snow at Mount Laguna on Saturday. We had an incredible snowball fight, made snowmen, and drank misnowsas. We found a beautiful pocket of the Pacific Crest Trail sans people, sans footprints. It was so quiet and truly lovely. (In other exciting news: California is FINALLY out of the drought zone!)
    • If you’re wondering, the term “misnowsa” was established during a snow camping trip over New Year 2016 weekend. It’s essentially just any occasion where you enjoy a mimosa whilst standing in the snow. Bonus points if your bottle of champagne was chilled by a blanket of snow. Feel free to spread the word. It’s a life goal of mine to end up in Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary.
  • I made a friend during a 2.5 week stint as a juror on a trial. The trial itself was mentally exhausting, took me away from the job that I love, and unfortunately was still happening on my birthday, but I am very happy to have found a friend in such an unlikely place. I am also happy that the trial contributed to my finding even more reasons to appreciate my job. I have a very good job. 
  • After years and years of “studying” Spanish, I am finally at a level of commitment to my learning that I can notice an honest difference. This will be the year I become fluent. In addition to growing up bilingual in English and Spanish, Dave taught himself Japanese. I have an excellent teacher in him. I’m also fortunate enough to reside a stone’s throw from Mexico. 
  • I have amazing friends. I have kept people in my life that I am truly proud to know. 
  • I am writing again. Yes, I have this blog, which I love, but I actually bought myself a new journal for my birthday. I kept journals from age seven all the way through my first year of college. I feel that letting life get in the way of what we love is a basic human characteristic. I don’t want to do that anymore. Life is too damn short, so I’m writing again. For now, it’s for me, and in the future, that habit of writing will transition into the writing of those books I’ve been dreaming about since I was, well, three years old and sleeping with books instead of dolls.

Life Tip #51: Make lists – pros/cons, grocery, travel, packing, happiness, gratitude, goals, etc. 


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